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10 Marvelous Web Design Tools To Make The Most Out Of Your Online Store In 2019

· Web Development
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If there is one profession on this entire globe where resisting change is never an option even for a single moment, then it is of web designers. Just like any other profession, in e-commerce web design and development, the more time one spends doing it, the more set in their ways they become.

Clients across the globe demand bigger and better websites and apps which can work across an increasingly complex ecosystem of devices that range from VR to voice. And for this, working with new techniques and technologies is not an option anymore; it's a necessity.

The audience that interacts on the web has changed from millennial to Gen Z. This creates a butterfly effect; the working pattern and client demands for an e-commerce web development firm observes a bit of swing from the usual. Web designers are constantly challenged with the changing demands. And, matching up to client’s expectations is a part of their job.

Thanks to technology, there are plenty of web development tools handy which not only save the development time but also help companies develop new ideas for website development.

AdobeColor CC
A fantastic tool from Adobe where you can create, save, and import color schemes across all Adobe Products. They also have a great feature called ‘explore’, allowing users to upload an image and extract their favored color schemes directly.

You can collaborate with multiple designers in real-time with Figma; an interface design tool. Figma boasts of similar USP as Sketch with the exception of being cross platform and the entire workflow being incredibly smooth.

Static Site Boilerplate
Build modern static websites with helpful tech, including automated build processes, a local development server, production minification and optimizations, and the latest standards for static websites with Static Site Boilerplate.

Promo- Free Image and Photo Resizer
You can resize photos and images in order to fit the standard sizes for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Google Display Network, and standard email and blog image sizes.

Easily and quickly match your website’s colour scheme to a particular image. A handy and useful free Mac app that uses a clustering algorithm to analyse your images and lets you know which colours are dominant in a picture. In this way you can use that particular information in your design.

A free app from Google, Sqoosh, is aimed at helping web designers compress the images sans the need of sacrificing quality. Drag and drop the images into the app and use a slider to play with the amount of compression; helping you quickly find a good balance between picture quality and file size.

Palette App
An upbeat tool to help you build smooth color schemes which will flow from one color to another. You can fine-tune hue and saturation-value gradients of your personal palette and of each color swatch individually. It also lets you Import, analyze, and edit existing color schemes.

A dashboard user-interface kit which has a robust design system for an imaginary self-driving car company; check it for yourself. You can borrow, remix, and remake your own app with the tool.

With Avocode, you can make it easy for frontend developers to code websites or apps from Photoshop or Sketch designs. The thing that makes Avocode really special is that one can use its Photoshop plugin to sync the PSD into Avocode with just one simple click.

Pattern Lab
Pattern Lab is a unique pattern-driven design tool created on the concept of Atomic Design. The website believes that you should break your design down into its smallest parts – atoms – and combine them to form bigger, reusable components – molecules and organisms. This in turn can be turned into usable templates.

The world of design & development is endless with opportunities that are limitless. Rising demands and advancements in technology are the reasons behind the dynamic nature of web design and development world.